Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wonderful wonderful trip to NY. Here are images from the streets, driving downtown. Thinking in black and white, still...

Some of the hundreds of images I took of folks leaving B & H photo. We parked right in front, Allen, Ellis and Claire went in, and I sat there for 25 minutes, shooting.

Some photos of the family...

My mom

And of Susan and Joel's apartment...

Claire and I used the pool at the hotel. It's been so great to be in the water again, both in Miami and here in NY. It's been years, for one reason or another. But I'm back, and Claire has never left, has always loved being in the water. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Some shots of the yard at Jeannette's in black and white. It's fun to think that way again. Also a couple of shots of Red Fish Grill where we went for dinner one night. This restaurant, and Miami in general, made me think of Johnny Depp and the Pirates of the Caribbean, with all the stone walls and lush green and palms. Miami also made me think of the Pirate Ship Lego we bought for Ellis when we were living in Italy in 1991. It saved us, that ship, the putting it together, all the hours and hours of play around it. It inspired his dressing up like Capitan Ucino everywhere we went; we have photos of him with an eye patch, a captain's hat, a belt across his chest, a cardboard hook and a peg leg (?) in the piazza in Siena. But again, I digress...